Sunday, August 22, 2010

I hope our next generation has my drinking genes.

Hubs who has absolutely ZERO tolerance for alcohol had a short after-work discussion/ drinking session with his boss yesterday. Just 3 glasses later (yup, you heard right!), my dear man was flushed red like a lobster and feeling a little oozy by the time I fetched him. After dinner, he went on to spew twice into the toilet bowl, leaving wine-stained gross stuff on the toilet seat and floor for me to clean up after while he curled up in bed and slept like a baby. *Arghh..!*
Note to hubby: You are NOT drinking anything beyond TWO glasses of wine next time or else....! *Grrrr....!*


Zsuzsi said...

Haha, poor Hubs! (and you too, since you were the one who had to clean up the mess). In our house it's the other way around, my boyfriend never drinks and I'm the one with zero tolerance :D

sugarlens said...

I have NO tolerance. Hubs isn't much better. You won't find us participating in any drinking games!

knickknacks said...

Unfortunately, hubby's boss is the ultimate wine lover and there will definitely be more of these drinking sessions! Sigh. Hubby will just have to learn to say "no"...

Zsuzsi said...

Cheers! (says the one who just had one too much of wine :)).