Monday, September 27, 2010

Ayúdame! Somebody, please save my parsley!

I love having plants in the home. Unfortunately, I do not have a green thumb. If anyone is to be put behind bars for mass murdering of plants, that would be me. Anyhoo, I was at the Botanical Garden's "Ripe! Food and Garden Festival" last Friday and I won myself a small potted plant of parsley. Ah, a chance to redeem myself. And in all that excitement, I decided to acquire a cute little chilli plant as well. The instructions were simple - water them 1-2 times a week and make sure they get plenty of sunshine. How difficult can that be, right? WRONG! I came home last evening to find the parsley plant looking like this:
I'm not sure what went wrong. It was still looking good when I left in the morning. Perhaps it was the cold since I had it right next to the window. :(
Can anyone tell me how I can salvage it now?! *Sobs!*

P.S. My chilli plant is still very much alive. For now.


Zsuzsi said...

Oh no!! That looks so familiar... and I have no idea how to help you :( I'd also like to learn how to keep plants alive!

sugarlens said...

I have a hard time keeping plants alive as well. The orchid plant I recieved two weeks ago is barely surviving under my black thumb.

knickknacks said...

Turns out the plant needed water. I had assumed that it had already been watered when I got it but I guess not!

Tatter Scoops said...

Awww...if it makes you feel better, I can't grow a thing other than my eyebrows! :D