Wednesday, March 24, 2010

O Bloody Nose!

Since coming here, I have been suffering from dry crusty nose every night no thanks to the overzealous heating at work that is sucking every bit of humidity out of my room. It clogs up my nose pretty bad and sometimes I end up waking up a few times in the night. Slept particularly badly last night and now even my neck is sore from all that tossing and turning. Guess it's time I do something about it. Well, forget nasal sprays since I'm totally non-compliant and humidifiers are too much trouble to maintain (well, at least for lazy me). Tonight I shall hang my laundry in the room and place one big bowl of water by my bedside. Hopefully that will work! I need my sleep so badly...Zzzzzz...


mama bok said...

Hello .. !!! stranger..!! didn't know you started writing again. Will drop by during the weekend and play catch up eh.

knickknacks said...

Mamabok! So nice to hear from you again! =D Am back in the States so got loads of time to blog again! Your girl is growing up really fast!

sugarlens said...

We don't have a humidifier either, but when I was pregnant my nose was constantly stuffed. We put a bucket filled with water in the bedroom. Not the most attractive decor, but it helped.

knickknacks said...

I have started with a bowl of water each night with mediocre results so far. I suspect I might have to upgrade to a bucket soon! hehe.