Friday, May 01, 2009

So pigs can fly after all!

With the recent outbreak of swine flu, it feels like SARS de ja vu all over again.
Granted, we are more prepared this time and I am most certain we will contain it well when it comes. But the whole preparation for the inevitable (currently we have nil confirmed cases) while trying to sustain normality in our work life is just quite impossible. Does not help that the situation is so fluid - just of yesterday we were told to cancel all our leave to be on standby and the alert was raised to orange by evening. The overall morale is plunging ever so slightly and it's hard not to notice that modicum of fear in everyone. I can only reassure my juniors that the hospital is probably the safest place to be should an outbreak occur and that our institution has our best interest at heart with whatever decision it makes (be it cancellation of leave, the donning of full PPE..etc).
There is no place for complacency and only those who have gone through SARS will understand the full impact of it all.

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