Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Abyzz by Desmond Yang

I've been meaning to check out our local designer's collection at Millenia Walk for the longest time and I'm glad I finally did last Thursday. I actually had my eyes on one of the dresses that was featured on his Taipei showcase. But alas, I was told that the pieces were limited and all sold. =( Anyhoo..I stepped into the boutique with a mind to own a piece from him...& own a piece I did! (albeit a more conventional but lovely dress as compared to his other more creative designs). Wish I had more time to explore the transformational pieces though. Will be sure to do that the next time and hopefully own one too!

And oh..did I mention that the customer service was impeccable? :) Lovely staff at the boutique and I even received a thank you email from Desmond Yang that very evening. Well, can't help it if I am sucker for good service.

I am officially a FAN! =)

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