Thursday, January 06, 2011

A cleaner home and I'm set to go!

I have been spring cleaning for the past week. It's amazing the amount of junk I've accumulated over just a span of less than a year here in Cleveland. The leaky air mattress I acquired, those few cable/ telephone wires I have no idea what to do with (Well, I did make a funny hat out of them for X'mas!), lots of paper/ magazines/ newspaper, boxes after boxes....I still have not completely sorted them out but at least I managed to clear some. All will be cleared out by Chinese New Year, that's for sure!
And I'd be on the other side of the globe by this weekend! Yay! My calender is filling up really quickly. Wish I had more time! I'm just going to make the best of it - eat as much as I can, meet as many friends, and spend as much time as I can with my family. I'm not looking forward to the long haul flight but the inflight movie marathon should keep me entertained. Will try to update when I'm back home but if not, I'll be back in two weeks!


Zsuzsi said...

Heh, my plan was to clean the flat while boyfriend is away, but actually I've just managed to make it worse, so now it looks a bit like Dresden after WW2... :O
Anyway, have a great trip and enjoy your time back home!

sugarlens said...

I can't believe you have been in Cleveland for almost a year! Have a safe and happy trip home. Eat lots!

knickknacks said...

Thanks! I will definitely be stuffing myself silly back home! :)