Thursday, September 14, 2006

"Be gentle. It's my first time."

I've been contemplating on having my hair permed for a really long time and today I finally mustered enough courage to walk into the hair salon (Shunji Matsuo) and ask for a perm. I wanted a Japanese perm initially but after consulting the hair stylist, it was decided that my hair texture was probably more suited for digital perm (wah...very expensive leh! $360 + $65 for director's cut! But she was nice enough to waive off the haircut fee. It was after all just a trim!) So I spent a good half a day having my hair fried at the salon and trying my best not to fall asleep.

The verdict: still trying to get used to the new look. The curls are mainly at the bottom and I suspect they may straighten out a lot sooner than the estimated 6 months. And I am actually looking my age for the first time in my life (which may or may not be a good thing :P). Well, but hubby seems to like it, so good lah! :D


Anonymous said...

Pictures..!! pictures..!! pictures..!!

BloatedTomato said...

yes! pictures pls! put your new camera to good use!

knickknacks said...

Aiyo..cannot lah. what if my enemy recognises me and find ways to chop off my expensive curls! ;)