Saturday, June 17, 2006

There's a skeleton in my closet!

Well, literally.

Georgie (as I've so fondly named it) has guided my hubby through his med school years. And an excellent teacher he was! Rumour has it that he was probably 1) Indian 2) abandoned by family and his body remained unclaimed for a very long time. And he has unknowingly donated himself to science...for the good of mankind.
But now he lies all packed up in a styrofoam box uncertain of his future.
To tell you the truth, I was quite happy to leave him nicely packed away at my in-law's place. But they're currently doing some renovation to the house and have insisted that we migrate him over to our place.
So here he is now. (No, I'm not ecstatic about having a skeleton in our home in case you are wondering.)
What should we do with him next?

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