Monday, June 19, 2006

*Beep. Beep.* "Are you awake?"

I tend to be at work rather early and my colleagues have the habit of smsing me first thing in the morning if they're sick or coming in late. I must admit that does annoy me a little considering that it is my personal phone they are contacting me on for work. But nothing can beat the earliest sms I received last Saturday - at 4.30am! (Yes, you heard right. It was 4.30 am!) She was sick and was wondering if I could cover for her?! And she smsed me not once. Not twice. But three times!!!
Don't ask me why I even bothered replying her. But who in the right mind would sms people at that kinda time unless it is an emergency emergency right?!
So I ended up sleeping really badly for the next few hours, got up, went to work for 4 hours and remained cranky for the next 2 days.

Moral of the story:
Never leave your handphone on when you go to bed(!)

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