Friday, June 30, 2006

Henna night

No, not hen's night (that we had on Saturday. Details another day. *ahem* ;)) It was henna party last night. My first. Very festive - like a typical Indian house wedding celebration you would see on TV. The bride-to-be had henna done on both the front and back of her hands and legs by the more professional of the two henna women while the rest of us lined up to have ours done by her assistant. Check out my henna!
(Decided on a more conservative location. Didn't think it was appropriate to go to work with artwork all over my hands.) The evening ended with the house dancing to bhangra music! Very cute to see the older men and women having so much fun! :) I wished the bride wasn't so cranky though. She wasn't feeling too well and was extremely irritable (& irritating). A (her!) happy occasion and she spent half the time snapping at her friends and relatives. *sigh*

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