Monday, June 15, 2009

Woe is me, the computer widow!

I cannot for the life of me fathom why anyone (read: ze husband) would want to spend all that time writing a non-existent novel or start a family with a virtual wife when he could be translating all those hours into real activities in real life?! Sigh.


sugarlens said...

My husband is a big gamer too. :)

And I agree with you!

Anonymous said...

LOL! It looks like your husband wants to be a redhead in real life! - M

knickknacks said...

Sugarlens: Don't you just hate them?!(the darn games that is!)

M: That pic was taken off the internet. ;) Although I must say, the girl does look a bit like me huh! =)

Anonymous said...

It does look like you, especially the way she is holding the knife! (The angle is totally wrong.) Also, like you, she is completely unattractive. I think that the SIMs should just ban Singaporean women from the Internet all together. They belong in the kitchen . . . what a coincidence, that SIM woman is actually in a kitchen! LOL!

Anonymous said...

That last message was from M.

knickknacks said...

M: You are soooo dead. I'll be in the States sooner than you think and you wouldn't know what hit you! :P