Saturday, October 03, 2009

Lunch conversation with hubs

Me: Do you think we are getting our priorities in life mixed up?
Hubs: Why do you say that?
Me: Well, we spend almost all of our time at work and most of our weekends working on projects and more work at home. All these at the expense of our personal life and family time. Perhaps we should relook at what is really important to us. Why must it always take a terminal illness or a life changing event for someone to decide that they really should be spending more time with their family and friends or doing something that they have always wanted to do?
Hubs: You are being irrational here. I am enjoying what I am doing now. Why, are you suffering from a terminal illness?
Me: NOooo?!
Hubs: Then perhaps we should have this conversation again when one of us do!
Me: #@!$& *bangs head against wall*

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