Sunday, June 28, 2009

Losing control

Had to skip pole class yesterday due to my sniffly nose. With this H1N1 thingy floating around, didn't think anyone would appreciate me blowing my nose in front of them. Besides it's not the smartest thing to be performing pole stunts in my lethargic state of being - particularly after my close call last week. Was in my hand stand position, facing in on the pole and was just coming back to position after doing a front split when my leg securing the pole suddenly unhooked itself. Next thing I knew, I had lost complete grip of the pole and was falling backwards (pretty much like the Leaning Tower of Pisa). Would have had a really nasty fall if not my partner's quick save, grabbing me by my ankles in mid-air and lowering me slowly to the ground. *phew!*
My friends think I should choose a less dangerous sport. But really, isn't every other sport out there just as dangerous? I could be struck by lightning simply by playing golf. And hell, I'm enjoying this too much to stop. ;P

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