Sunday, June 28, 2009

Losing control II

Everyone copes with stress differently. I know I'm not doing too well when I find myself waking up in the middle of the night with things nagging my mind. Usually, the only way I could get back to sleep is to pen down those thoughts on my PDA and then do a few housechores to tire myself out before trying to hit the sack again. You can sometimes find me folding my laundry or mopping the toilet floor in the wee hours of the morning. :) The other thing I tend to do is binge on junk food. Good thing I don't balloon up easily but I'm sure the arteries of my heart are all clogged up and ready to throw an emboli anytime now. Then, there is retail therapy. A spin in the malls [almost] always makes me feel better. I am generally pretty controlled with my spending but lately, I've exceeded my usual threshold. The thing is I'm not feeling particularly stressed out at this point in time. Perhaps it is subliminal stress. Or it could just be our great Singapore sale beckoning my weak [spending] heart. Whatever it is, I am determined to curb that spending habit and channel it into something exercise. It is embarrassing but I do not practise what I preach on a daily basis "Exercise is good for you!". So yeah, I guess that's what I'll do. I will head down to the gym starting this week. Wish me luck! :)


Anonymous said...

At least you seem to be productive when you have stress. I just lie in bed waiting for the sun to come up. - M

knickknacks said...

Haha..I can just imagine you now, M! ;)