Sunday, September 19, 2010

Do you really want to know me? ;)

Aw..thank you Zsuzsi for giving me my first blog award ever! :) I believe in return I'm supposed to share some dirty secrets or unknown facts about myself so here goes:

#1 I am absolutely terrified of snakes. Whenever I am in a forested area, I always look up to the trees in fear that one of these reptiles might fall off a tree branch and land on me!

#2 I've had crooked teeth up to my college years when I finally decided to put myself under the mercy of an orthodontist. 4 extractions, 2 years of metal twisting/ torture and plenty of ulcers later, I finally emerged a swan (Not!).

#3 I can't swim. Well, I can but I can't coordinate the breathing bit so technically I can't.

#4 I have a fear of falling on slippery ground. I suspect I might have been traumatized by a pretty bad fall I had while hiking in the rain in Malaysia eons ago. So ice skating and skiing is out for me!

#5 I love the thrill of free falling/ accelerating through air. The tandem skydive I did years ago in New Zealand was one of the best experience I've had. I'm also one of those who would experience every single crazy rides at a theme park or carnival. The greatest plunge I had being 77 degrees on this crazy roller coaster ride at a speed of 104km/hr and a 70 m drop from heights on Gyro drop in Korea! Wheee!

#6  I do get way too emotional sometimes when reading a novel or watching a film. It can be pretty embarrassing to have tears welling up in my eyes in public (while reading a book!) or coming out of the movie theatre all red-eyed and sniffly. Gah!

Alright, I think that's enough about me already! Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! :)


Zsuzsi said...

Thanks for doing this, I love your answers :)
Your fear of slippery ground is interesting, it's the first time I hear anything like it... I hope it doesn't disturb your life too much, though!

knickknacks said...

Haha..not at all! I still walk on slippery grounds but with the mental image of falling all the time! ;)

sugarlens said...

I can relate to #3. Thank goodness for floating devices.