Monday, July 13, 2009

I need more time...

(Mamallapuram, India)

It dawned on me last night that 7 months is approximately the time I'm left with to complete all the projects I have at hand, conduct a workshop, train my successor to take over my work and to get all my things sorted out at home. After that, it's adios and off to the land of the free! (And full time bumming!)
All of a sudden, I feel like a giddy goat with a huge weight on my shoulder...*pant.pant.breathe.*


sugarlens said...

You are leaving your job? What do you have planned next?! I wish I I could just quit my job! It has been rather annoying as of late.

knickknacks said...

Hubby has been offered a job in the States. Being the dutiful wife that I am [not], I will follow him and bum for a while. Will plan my next move when I get there! =)

sugarlens said...

Oh, exciting stuff! Which state? Will you miss Singapore and your family? My hubs talks about finding a job in Singapore so we could move there. I know if that ever happens, I will surely miss my family here.

knickknacks said...

With no hiccups, we should be moving to Cleveland, Ohio early next year. We were previously in Michigan for 2 years and strangely I felt closer to my family then because of the frequent phone calls we made. Back here in Singapore, we are so tied down by work that we just don't spend enough time with them. Terrible huh!
And what makes your hubby want to work in Singapore?! =)

sugarlens said...

My hubs likes Asia and has always wanted to work and live there. China is hard since knowing Chinese is key, but you can definitely get by with English in Singapore.

My parents live 5-minute away, and while my brothers all live in a different state, I think they are closer to my parents than I am. I guess absence makes the heart grow fonder? Or maybe I am just the rotten one.

sugarlens said...

By the way, what does your hubby do? Cleveland is an interesting place to find a job at.

knickknacks said...

Hmm...Singapore can be quite a pressure cooker though (workwise)! I am actually secretly welcoming the break even though I feel bad about leaving work.
Hubs is a physician and Cleveland offers him quite a good research ground for his practice.=)

sugarlens said...

I see, would you believe me if I said I thought he might be a doc? Is he going to the Cleveland Clinic Foundation? A friend of mine's husband works there.

knickknacks said...

Yes he is! Small world huh? =)