Monday, August 21, 2006

Our first major fallout...2 weeks ago.

A manic depressive week.

Myriad of emotions with outbursts of anger, crying & laughing (mainly from moi).

I packed my luggage. I left. And I returned (the very next day :P).

Rules are set and the boundaries (of our marriage) redrawn.

All is well now...(and our mundane life resumes with a bit of spice *ahem*) :)


M said...

You are sooo cute! My wife also did the same thing several times during our marriage. (She "left" me a few weekends ago, but came back a few minutes later.) Apparently, I'm not the best husband in the world, which came as a SHOCK to me.

Well, don't feel alone. I'm sure that there are millions of other married couples out there who are still sorting out their marriages. It's completely normal!

Anonymous said...!! glad everything is alright now though.. !