We were this close to getting smashed to a pulp by a trucker this morning. We were driving on the extreme right lane when this huge truck that was in the next lane decided to close in on us without signalling! Hubby's immediate response was to speed up but we realised the trucker was making no attempt to slow down! *shrieeekkks! Honnnkkkkkkkkk!!! Honnnnnnkkkkkkk!!!* That momentarily stopped the truck from inching that much closer to us and probably crushing me to an instant death.
And that freaking trucker had the audacity to flash his lights at us after. Bastard.
OMG, it's so scary. Glad you are fine.
My hubby had a similar experience a few years back. On the expressway, and the truck in the next lane cut in without signalling. As a reflex reaction, he swerved his car and to his horror, he found himself facing the on-coming traffic, right in the middle of the expressway! Thank God the traffic was light and he managed to slowly get his bearings and manoeuvre himself back to the right direction. That was indeed a close brush with heaven.
Life is so unpredictable. it's morbid to think this way but we should treasure people around us coz we can never be too certain that we'll live to see tomorrow.
It was a close call indeed but then the day went by just like any other. I guess it would have hit us harder if the truck had as much as scratch the side of the car. I did suggest that we have a nice dinner out that evening "to celebrate love and life". :)
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