I know I have been out of the radar for too long but I hope this transmission still reaches you! ;) So what's new?
A new career...
The contract has been sealed and I begin work in a couple of weeks. Friends describe my career move as a "brave one" but I know whatever the outcome, this transition will be a great learning experience and eye opener for me. There was no formal farewell from my previous dept. After all, I have been away for 1 1/2 years and half the office is made up of new staff who do not know who I am. But that said, I feel there is a lack of closure to this chapter of my [work] life and it kind of leaves a bitter aftertaste...But ah, such is life.
A new wardrobe...
The morph from slaving housewife to senior management means the need for a wardrobe overhaul! I have already burnt a huge hole in my pocket but I do believe this is necessary intervention. ;P
A new car...
Well, not quite. Just the certificate of entitlement for the car alone already cost around $30,000 SGD so you can imagine how crazy the prices for cars are over here. We have decided to settle for a second hand car that we managed to get at dealer price for a start. Perhaps one day, we will be able to afford that dream car of mine...
So that's that. Let the new chapter begin...:)