Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Just one of those days.

Woke up [really late] with an impending headache and a blanket of depression.
What's up with that? Sigh.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


We had the contractor remove the hideous grilles yesterday and now finally, an unobstructed view of the blue sky and greenery! Amazing what that little change does for the soul! :)


It's the season for my favourite food of all times...Chinese dumplings aka Bak Chang!

Yums! :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Jailhouse Bird

That's what I feel like in my very own home. We have agreed for our previous tenants to put up window grilles for the safety of their children. However, they look so awful and totally obstruct the lovely vista we have outside. Honestly, I can't stand to look at them a minute longer. Now, if hubby would hurry up and make an appointment with the contractor to have them removed already!

Attack of the Red Army!

Spot the little monsters if you can!

They are EVERYWHERE! Taking a dip in my water, jacuzzing in my kettle, feasting on my meals & leftovers, going on sugar high from all that candies or anything sweet and nipping me ever so often! And now they are even invading my MacBook! Gosh..how do I deal with them?! Any suggestions?!

Monday, May 23, 2011

With love, from Singapore :)

We're bacccckkk and our furball is very much alive and adapting really well back home. :) We arrived a couple of weeks ago and the first thing that greeted us was the heat. It sure hasn't been fun settling in feeling all hot and sweaty. Didn't help that our tenants had left us with a bunch of things to fix around the apt. Sigh. Anyway, things are slowly moving into place which is a relief. Am glad to finally have my home internet up and running so now I can blog again! I've got plenty of catching up to do on my blog reading as well! :)
On a more exciting note, my series of interviews for the new job is well on the way. I have cleared round 2 so far and am moving on to the third this week - lunch with the Chairman. I can think up a whole lot of things that can go wrong during the lunch meeting - veggies stuck between teeth, choking on food mid-sentence, sauce around the mouth... I seriously need to think through my food choice carefully. ;)
Will keep you all updated on my progress. Wish me luck! :)