Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My first branded bag

A gift from my sister from her recent trip to the States.

Wonder if hubby will get me a matching wallet with his huge performance bonus this month? *wink.wink.nudge.* ;)

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Encounter with a long lost friend

First, he showed me the huge scar on his forearm.
"I had an accident about nine years ago." he said.

"Now if you think this is bad..."
He lifted his pants to reveal a prosthetic limb.

I was shocked and deeply saddened.
He was a good boy...why has life taken such an awful turn for him?

Pressie from my patient :)

Well, at least one person out there appreciates what I do!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

5 year itch

Ok, I am clueless about the whole car business thingy but what I do know is that after the first 5 years, the value of a car plunges significantly. So here we are at the juncture of having to decide on whether to stick to our trusted 4 year plus Toyota Corolla (which we have already paid off) or find ourselves suckered into the excitement of getting a new car and spending a lot more money than is necessary. The thing is, our car has not been behaving lately. We had to fork out a good $900 just not too long ago to replace an oxygen sensor that had conked and this morning I was told at the service centre that we might have to replace the whole air-con cooling system which will cost us an estimated $2000!
So fix it and move on or should we succumb to temptation? *decisions, decisions, decisions... *

Monday, June 18, 2007


I don't quite remember who started it but my team members have been calling me that for the longest time. It is driving me absolutely crazy and I can't get them to stop! Hey...I'm not the one issuing paychecks and big boss is sitting in a cubicle right next to us! So, I was told today that it is meant to stand for "Bachelor Of Social Service". For the fact that I should be available to them at work and long after office hours. (Read: I've got no life...*sobs*) Cute interpretation but sad for me, eh?

Sunday, June 17, 2007

I did what I had to do.

No more sleepless nights. And the tummy ache that had plagued me since last wednesday miraculously stopped the day after the termination.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Losing my sanity

I've not been sleeping well lately. I feel like absolute crap after work each day and then I go to bed early only to find myself waking up in the middle of my sleep thinking of more work. Had to deal with a series of unfortunate events concerning a few of my staff lately (one after another!) and all that fire fighting has seriously taken a toll on my mental health. That on top of me having to orientate two newly joined fresh grads. And worse of all, I have been tasked to sit in with big boss and HR on Monday to do something that will probably haunt me for quite a while - we are letting someone go and the person does not even know it yet. It is not a pleasant thing to do but sadly, the person has no more saving grace.

I am losing my sanity over work and I am not sure it is even worth it.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Virtual cat fight

With the younger generation at work calling me "Ah Ma", "Aunty", "Mum" etc..., it is rather refreshing to be branded "slutty" for a change. This coming from hubby's ex of course (on her blog!)...and after all these years *sigh*.

Bitterness is a slow acting poison...
my heart truly goes out to her.

*In case you are, I had nothing to do with their break-up. I guess I just happened to be in the wrong place (or right place) at the wrong time.:P